Shawn is Turning 1
I really love photographing babies and children! I mean who doesn't love those big eyes, belly laughs, and mostly toothless smiles?
Last week Shawn (Shawn Owen Scott Volkmar) and his parents came by and we did his one-year session. As you can see he has adorable chubby cheeks and darling blue eyes! Mommy says he has her chipmunk laugh (remind me to have her demonstrate that next time *smile*).
First year memories?
Of course when he said his first words, "Dada" and then "Mama", and watching him scoot along on his belly before he was crawling. He'll be walking any day now!
What does Shawn like...and dislike?
So far he likes rock music, Gerber puffs, peanut butter & jelly, and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. And as for dislikes, he doesn't like it when people frown at him or when he doesn't get his own way.
What's it like being first-time parents?
It has been amazing to say the least! Every minute with him has been a blessing. Every day we look at him in awe, like we did when he was first born. He's our world and we are now stronger together because of him.
Happy birthday Shawn!
Are you ready to capture that special moment in your life? I'd love to be your photographer. Just click here to contact me!
“Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD.”