I'm pretty new to this whole idea of blogging on my site. However, I figure, this is one more way for you to get to know me--you know, that person behind the lens. *smile*

So, here's how it all began (that's to question you were wondering, "How did you begin in photography?")...

Truthfully, I have always loved looking at pictures. I remember my mom asking me how many times I was going to look through the same album. I would smile and respond with, "A lot." In high school I really wanted to be part of the yearbook staff, but we moved a few times so that never worked out. Finally, my senior year of college I had the opportunity to take a Photography class and I loved it!

Now, granted, this was back in the day of print film (but hey, I'm still not that old), so I actually got to work in a dark room. I remember being so excited about this! My favorite part was processing the film, dipping it gently into the different solutions, and then watching how the image just appeared before my eyes! It was a lot of work if the image didn't turn out, but when it did it was a somewhat magical moment. 

Fast forward now to digital cameras and years of continuing photography and editing, as well as learning more about my ever-evolving friend, Adobe Photoshop. Here I am. Excited! I've started on this new journey, taking my abilities to a new level that is both self-challenging and gratifying. I've met many people. I laughed with kids and cooed babies. I've stood beside mothers who were watching their children take photos as they stepped into adulthood. I've prayed with brides, teared-up at speeches, and high-fived excited grooms. I love it. 

That's how it began. Where I'm headed, however, is still waiting to be written. I hope to share part of your story on my journey...
