Jared Lockhart | Senior

Spring is here and graduation is just around the corner! I easily remember the excitement and anticipation to be "done" with school. Well, at least I couldn't be forced to go anymore. *smile*

I recently had the opportunity to hang out with and photograph BHS Senior Jared Lockhart. This guy was completely at ease in front of the camera. He was totally laid back with an easy smile, so needless to say I clicked away and ended up with a gob of good pictures!


One of the first things I learned during our session was, according to him, girls like a guy in pink.


If you haven't guessed by now, I enjoy telling a story. Whether it's talking, writing, or through pictures! So during my sessions I like to ask questions and get to know my clients...

What's your favorite memory so far from this year?


And let me tell you, this guy has plenty of medals to show for it!


When asked what he was going to miss most about high school his answer was, "My friends."

Since wrestling isn't really part of his long term future we talked about what he wanted to do. He said that he's going to be obtaining a degree in Respiratory Therapy and plans on continuing his job working for Mercy Home Medical Equipment. 

This guy has a plan and a good head on his shoulders! And when he's not studying he'll probably be playing around on his guitar...


So, do you have a favorite teacher? 

"Mrs. Becker, an English teacher. She helped me with my struggles in English and I was her teacher's aid."

Don't we all have a favorite teacher? I remember my favorite teacher from school. His name was Mr. Monken. He was my 6th grade teacher.

So, besides wearing pink, I also discovered he loves to wear hoodies. I mean, who doesn't? 


And apparently play in trees...I mean climb trees. *smile*


So, any advice for those incoming Freshmen?

"Get your homework finished and stay on top of it."

Well, there you have it!


All in all we had a lot of fun. I always enjoy getting to know my clients and learning about their families.

Good luck with all that you do Jared, you have a bright and exciting future ahead of you!
